"Your own faults,", "you couldn't produce" ... YOUR own faults. YOU couldn't produce. I'm a slit-eyed Jap and have no part of it. Don't put it on me, okay?
I play it back, at half speed. Western auto makers, electronics producers, shipping and fishing companies wanted no competitors whatsoever in the Russian (other ex-Soviet) and other markets (like Africa), however weak. They lobbied through their respective government to exert pressure on yours, and it permitted the destruction of all your prime industries (however shitty, but viable) just on the pretext it was all "Soviet/Russian shit". No sensible government would do it after a revolution. Yours did. I know it exactly. RAF and VEF managers told me off record. I cannot prove it, but it's true. Not what they told me, but the fact that they told me that. You are free to believe it or not. I believe because I saw the consequences.
That's what RAF could have manufactured and sole to Russia: http://i061.radikal.ru/1008/ed/031158da4b8b.jpg http://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/201312/09/1231988/033.jpg
No, not Mercedes. Nice, but shitty allright. But it wouldhave sold. NOT in Europe, for sure. In Russia, across the entire ex-USSR. And, above all, in Africa and possibly in Latin America. But General Motors, Chrysler, VW and Mercedes said to Vaira "No way," and Vaira said RAF "No."
The result: http://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/201312/09/1231988/045.jpg http://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/201312/09/1231988/046.jpg http://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/201312/09/1231988/047.jpg
That is, no minibuses (however shitty), no shitty sales, no shitty revenues, no shitty jobs. Oh, yes, there are Mercedeses. But German, not Latvian. The Germans get the moola, not the Latvians.
I know the situation, because Honda tried to resque RAF in 1995 — to produce for the Russian market. Moderate quality at moderate prices. But again, General Motors, Chrysler, VW and Mercedes said to Vaira "No way," and Vaira said RAF "No." I was in the law firm that represented Honda and was in Riga at the time.
I don't think so. You seem to be missing something here. First, I did not mean "be restricted". No one must restrict anyone to no place. But TRUE nationalist patriot is SELF-restriction, a TRUE partiot would resist the temptation to leave, a true patriot — by me — is a home-stayer and worker for the benefit of his/her home/native country.
Secondly, I asked why the most ardent self-claimed nationalist were the FIRST to leave. NOT ONLY why they left at all, but the FIRST to leave. The more ardent they are, the earlier they left. See my point?
Exactly. The freedom of travel is the good test for true nationalism and true patriotism. True patiots do not yield to the temptation to leave. They stay and work up, silently most of the time. Those who leave, clamour and claim patriotism, shitting back into their past. That was one of my points. As the Russians say, или трусы надень, или крестик сними. If you emigrate, keep silent. It you feel like shouting, stay home. I fucked off too,-quite like you, 20 years before you, as soon as I was able to. But I have kept mum since and never shouted around. For one mere reason: it was — and still is — POINTLESS. Although I have never been any patriot or nationalist. My native island? The hell with it.
I don't mean y'all ex-cops, man. I know the ethic proportions of the emigration are about the same as that of the home-stayers. But within the ethnic Latvian share of the immigrant community vocal nationalists overwhelmintly prevail, in Australia, for example. The earlier they left, the more vocal they are. What I mean is that most of those ardent Latvian nationalists (no, not cops, but active anti-Soviet protesters) were the first to vamoose once the borders opened. Which does not agree with their proclaimed nationalism/patriotism they still profess. (I hope you see my point now). Those who were the last to leave — whether Latvians or Russians — are the quietest about their "dear dear Lativa" or "dear dear Estonia". Or Lithuania. Odd, ain't it? See my point?
You are no exception, you are somewhere in the middle between the two but gravitate towards the former.
So your wanderlust, adventourousness and, above all, your want for a better life ultimately turned out to be stronger than your patriotism? :-)
Like I said — if so, I wouldn't be proud of my past in your place, especially aloud. See how much opposition you confession provoked here. When I got the opportunity to leave, I left quietly, without making noise how the Soviets had ruined my life.
I'm a Sakhalin Japanese. If you know what it means. I know the USSR better than you, because I lived there longer than you lived wherever.
нечего особа хорошего там небило. — There was. Latvia, for example. As part of the SU, it was one of its two best parts, together with Estonia. As part of EU, its one of its worst parts, together with Montenegro and Bulgaria.
1. "Да угробили потому што не нашто ето негадилось" -- But built nothing instead, except for shopping malls without customers butwith blackjack and whores.
2. Комы ви свой металолом продавать то собирались? — Not "they", but y'all. To the same Russians. But your new government thought better. So do you.
3. так всё и разрушилась из за нехватки ринков сбита. -- Russia was your market. Bottomless market. But the new Latvian government — imported from Canada, United States and UK — decided it was below your dignity to continue trading with the occupants. The more so that VEF was Phillips' competitor. That's why it had to be destroyed. For this reason alone. Meantime, I still have two (2) Latvian made radios (both still work): Baltika RZ-1 back home in Tokyo (yes, 1950!, six tubes and still working and receiving the whole world, with a good antenna) and VEF221 which I take around travelling. Not Sony. My old Latvian radios are better. I can compare. Where are now Latvian goods? By the way, where are now any other Latvian goods? Except for canned sprats in oil?
4. Росия преподчла японские и немецкие товари нашим -- Bullshit. It wouldn't have, were it not for the prices. First, Latvia stopped production and imports before German and Japanese (and Chinese too) imports poured in. There was no real Latvian marketing efforts. I know. I was there at the time. RAF, for example, stubbornly wanted the same price for their minibuses as Mercedes. Reasonable? No. Then you destroyed RAF. And VEF. And the Latvian shipping company. Yes, old scrap metal, even shit, but It was still working, usable and good for Russia, say, for its poorer population — at the corresponding price. But no, you wanted Western prices. When you didn't get them, you destroyed the producers who turned out to be bad marketers.
5.Все используют инфраструктуру прежних покалений, в нашем случае ето созданое во времена СССР — Right. Because it is still good. The occupants invested heavily in the occupied. (Btw, has any occupant ever in history invested — and invested much in the occupied country instead of plundering it? You won't deny, that the Latvians (and other Balts) lived better than Russians in Russia?)
6.почему то почти все, как появляютса возможность, бегут из ваших многоетажек. — It's only normal. It there is a better home for a comparable price, why not change it? And poorer people take over the vacated flats. It's normal uplift.
Yes, and thank you for the invitation to ask. My key question is, how come those who were most active against the Soviets in 1991/92 happened to be the first to leave? Was it the true objective of your activism?
I am asking because my firm's offices in the UK, Netherlands and Germany have handled (and still handling) thousands of Latvian (ethnic Latvian) immigrant applications (we afforded a special discounts for the Balts).
If you had won, Ainars, you wouldn't have left. Approx. 200,000 Latvian Latvians wouldn't. No, notRussian occupants as you call them, Latvian Latvians, Karl! 25% of the Latvian Latvians. Not too much for a nation, don't you think? Y'all think you are a nation, don't you? As for "better" — it was (and still is) all for borrowed money. On credit. Remember the end of the heady banquet in 2008? It was then you had to leave. So you left that "better life" — for something better still. That was exactly my point. It wasn't you who won. It was the bunch of foreign-born Lativans that Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga led "back home" and opened the floodgates for the kikes to take a whole nation for a ride. It was not really your victory, Ainars. It's someone else's. You have been cleverly used, my man.
Easy becasue I know. Every time I come to my native island to commemorate my dead parents, I see how ugly it is, so I do know. That's why I don't live there. Yeah, the majority do. Question is, hower, why you make the minority and don't live there better too. You have fought for it — for a better life for yourself, haven't you? Now that you are off — even though "the majority live better" — you recognize, in fact, that you've lost your battle at home: You get my drift? No? You've succeded (perhaps), but failed to succed at home. It means you have lost. You fought a lost battle and a lost war. Your personal battle and your personal war. You will only regret it when you realise it. You can't now. Just unable to.
Sorry, AiNars. I stand corrected. You can read what I write, that's enough. Trouble is, bro, you can't legitimately claim any love of motherlans while you are enjoying yourself elsewhere. It's fucking easy to love your home country far away from it, aint' it? :-) In your place, man, I'd say, oh shit, I was young and stupid. Making clean breast of it would only have redounded to your honour.
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Нас называли белоберетниками...
№722 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№713 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
I play it back, at half speed. Western auto makers, electronics producers, shipping and fishing companies wanted no competitors whatsoever in the Russian (other ex-Soviet) and other markets (like Africa), however weak. They lobbied through their respective government to exert pressure on yours, and it permitted the destruction of all your prime industries (however shitty, but viable) just on the pretext it was all "Soviet/Russian shit". No sensible government would do it after a revolution. Yours did. I know it exactly. RAF and VEF managers told me off record. I cannot prove it, but it's true. Not what they told me, but the fact that they told me that. You are free to believe it or not. I believe because I saw the consequences.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№708 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
No, not Mercedes. Nice, but shitty allright. But it would have sold. NOT in Europe, for sure. In Russia, across the entire ex-USSR. And, above all, in Africa and possibly in Latin America. But General Motors, Chrysler, VW and Mercedes said to Vaira "No way," and Vaira said RAF "No."
The result: http://cdn.fishki.net/upload/post/201312/09/1231988/045.jpg
That is, no minibuses (however shitty), no shitty sales, no shitty revenues, no shitty jobs. Oh, yes, there are Mercedeses. But German, not Latvian. The Germans get the moola, not the Latvians.
I know the situation, because Honda tried to resque RAF in 1995 — to produce for the Russian market. Moderate quality at moderate prices. But again, General Motors, Chrysler, VW and Mercedes said to Vaira "No way," and Vaira said RAF "No."
I was in the law firm that represented Honda and was in Riga at the time.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№621 Toyotomi Ri
→ Снежинка Αυτονομία,
First, I did not mean "be restricted". No one must restrict anyone to no place. But TRUE nationalist patriot is SELF-restriction, a TRUE partiot would resist the temptation to leave, a true patriot — by me — is a home-stayer and worker for the benefit of his/her home/native country.
Secondly, I asked why the most ardent self-claimed nationalist were the FIRST to leave. NOT ONLY why they left at all, but the FIRST to leave. The more ardent they are, the earlier they left. See my point?
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№616 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
As the Russians say, или трусы надень, или крестик сними. If you emigrate, keep silent. It you feel like shouting, stay home.
I fucked off too,-quite like you, 20 years before you, as soon as I was able to. But I have kept mum since and never shouted around. For one mere reason: it was — and still is — POINTLESS.
Although I have never been any patriot or nationalist. My native island? The hell with it.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№612 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
You are no exception, you are somewhere in the middle between the two but gravitate towards the former.
Like I said — if so, I wouldn't be proud of my past in your place, especially aloud. See how much opposition you confession provoked here.
When I got the opportunity to leave, I left quietly, without making noise how the Soviets had ruined my life.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№597 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№595 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
нечего особа хорошего там небило. — There was. Latvia, for example. As part of the SU, it was one of its two best parts, together with Estonia. As part of EU, its one of its worst parts, together with Montenegro and Bulgaria.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№592 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
2. Комы ви свой металолом продавать то собирались? — Not "they", but y'all. To the same Russians. But your new government thought better. So do you.
3. так всё и разрушилась из за нехватки ринков сбита. -- Russia was your market. Bottomless market. But the new Latvian government — imported from Canada, United States and UK — decided it was below your dignity to continue trading with the occupants. The more so that VEF was Phillips' competitor. That's why it had to be destroyed. For this reason alone.
Meantime, I still have two (2) Latvian made radios (both still work): Baltika RZ-1 back home in Tokyo (yes, 1950!, six tubes and still working and receiving the whole world, with a good antenna) and VEF221 which I take around travelling. Not Sony. My old Latvian radios are better. I can compare. Where are now Latvian goods? By the way, where are now any other Latvian goods? Except for canned sprats in oil?
4. Росия преподчла японские и немецкие товари нашим -- Bullshit. It wouldn't have, were it not for the prices. First, Latvia stopped production and imports before German and Japanese (and Chinese too) imports poured in. There was no real Latvian marketing efforts. I know. I was there at the time. RAF, for example, stubbornly wanted the same price for their minibuses as Mercedes. Reasonable? No. Then you destroyed RAF. And VEF. And the Latvian shipping company. Yes, old scrap metal, even shit, but It was still working, usable and good for Russia, say, for its poorer population — at the corresponding price. But no, you wanted Western prices. When you didn't get them, you destroyed the producers who turned out to be bad marketers.
5.Все используют инфраструктуру прежних покалений, в нашем случае ето созданое во времена СССР — Right. Because it is still good. The occupants invested heavily in the occupied. (Btw, has any occupant ever in history invested — and invested much in the occupied country instead of plundering it? You won't deny, that the Latvians (and other Balts) lived better than Russians in Russia?)
6.почему то почти все, как появляютса возможность, бегут из ваших многоетажек. — It's only normal. It there is a better home for a comparable price, why not change it? And poorer people take over the vacated flats. It's normal uplift.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№584 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
I am asking because my firm's offices in the UK, Netherlands and Germany have handled (and still handling) thousands of Latvian (ethnic Latvian) immigrant applications (we afforded a special discounts for the Balts).
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№581 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
As for "better" — it was (and still is) all for borrowed money. On credit. Remember the end of the heady banquet in 2008? It was then you had to leave.
So you left that "better life" — for something better still. That was exactly my point. It wasn't you who won. It was the bunch of foreign-born Lativans that Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga led "back home" and opened the floodgates for the kikes to take a whole nation for a ride.
It was not really your victory, Ainars. It's someone else's. You have been cleverly used, my man.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№545 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
Yeah, the majority do. Question is, hower, why you make the minority and don't live there better too.
You have fought for it — for a better life for yourself, haven't you? Now that you are off — even though "the majority live better" — you recognize, in fact, that you've lost your battle at home: You get my drift? No?
You've succeded (perhaps), but failed to succed at home. It means you have lost. You fought a lost battle and a lost war. Your personal battle and your personal war. You will only regret it when you realise it. You can't now. Just unable to.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№527 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
You can read what I write, that's enough.
Trouble is, bro, you can't legitimately claim any love of motherlans while you are enjoying yourself elsewhere. It's fucking easy to love your home country far away from it, aint' it? :-)
In your place, man, I'd say, oh shit, I was young and stupid. Making clean breast of it would only have redounded to your honour.
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№506 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№503 Toyotomi Ri
→ Ainars Grinbergs,
Нас называли белоберетниками...
№497 Toyotomi Ri
Стоит ли спешить к алтарю, когда невеста пованивает?
№267 Toyotomi Ri
→ доктор хаус,